Happy Birthday Cassandra!

Happy Birthday to my very dear, very beautiful friend Cassandra!

I am so blessed to know her, she is one of those once in a lifetime friends. She is always there with a word of encouragement,  solid Biblical counsel and is more than ready to laugh at an inside joke, ridiculous story, or  share a movie quote.

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  I’ve known Cassie, or Ernestine, (que inside joke) since she was born…we met in the doctor’s office when I was two; she was there for an infant check-up, and I was there with a purple crayon up my nose.  Ahem.

We’ve had a redoubtable friendship since.


She’s the best kind of friend because, not only is she my closest friend, but she is also my sisters closest friend. We’re know as the “three-some trio” Oh, what times we’ve had together. We’ve shared the good: family camps in Colorado, long autumn walks, early morning coffee, deep and refreshing talks bout God…  the bad: the Nemo ride at Disneyland:) … and the absurd: that plum pudding and the summer that included copious amounts of kettle corn.

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She’s the kind of friend who will let you cry on her shoulder, and then isn’t afraid to cry on yours. As she would say, “no masks allowed here”.

She also does zany things like diagram sentences for fun, decide that it is not only possible, but doable to graduate from college in under two years (yeah, she’s diligent) and bury herself in our couch cushions… our couch does have a tendency to swallow people and things.


I am so grateful for her friendship.

Happy, Happy 18th Birthday Cass! May our gracious Heavenly Father continue to guide you in the ways of peace, goodness, and mercy as you embark on a new year, full of exciting adventures, challenges, blessings, and even greater measures of grace.


Preparing to Welcome Winter


  In my morning devotions I read this quote by C.H. Spurgeon and  it convicted and encouraged me so much that I decided to share it:

“How we prize the fire just now! How pleasant is its cheerful glow! Let us in the same manner prize our Lord, who is the constant source of warmth and comfort in every time of trouble. Let us draw near to Him, and in Him find joy and peace in believing. Let us wrap ourselves in the warm garments of His promises, and go forth to labours which befit the season, for it would be bad to be like the sluggard who will not plough because of the cold; for he shall beg in summer and have nothing.”

It reminds me that in whatever ways I am preparing for, and loving this cold and rainy season, should pale in comparison to how I am preparing for work that befits this earth-bound season in my eternal life.  May we all find our warmth in Christ this winter, warmth that goes all the way to our souls, not just the temporary warmth of comforting fires and glowing candles!  How are you preparing? Are you wrapped in the warm garments of Christ’s promises?